Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Blog 7 - Second Interview Preparation

Lol, so I couldn't find a picture of my mentor but when I did a Google search for her this picture came up. This is what she almost looks like. (:
1. Who is your mentor and where do they work?

  • My mentor's name is Monica Hidalgo who is a high school teacher at Nogales High School. she teachers 10tha and 12th grade hsitiry and previously taught English. She has reciveid her education from UC Irvine, UC San Diego, and Cal State Long Beach.Ms. Hidalgo's life-long goals are to constantly develop her Teaching and knowledge of history.

2. What five questions will you ask them about their back ground?

  • How long and where have you been teaching?
  • What inspired you to become an educator?
  • What were the different experiences that shaped your teaching style?
  • In the past, have you ever thought that teaching high school was not the right path for you? When did you have that thought, and what made you stick to teaching?
  • What have you found to be the most challenging aspect of teaching in terms of classroom management? 
Click on the link to go to my mentors page on her school website. Ms. Hidalgo

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Blog 6 - Advisory Prep

  1. What has worked well for you concerning your senior project this year? What has made it a positive experience for you?
    • My senior project has been going pretty well because I haven't really had to struggle to finish any assignments on time. I have enjoyed completing my work within a reasonable amount of time before the due date. Holding myself accountable for my actions has worked for me because I hold myself responsible for the outcome of my actions. Not only has accountability helped me but time management has aided me, but hard work and determination have definitely played a role in my pleasant experience. I have been working really hard this year to be the best student I can be and I know that my efforts will pay off in the future. But even though I have been doing well, everything is quite easy for me which makes me unsure if I am doing everything correctly.  Either that or I am doing everything wrong. 
  2. What are you finding difficult concerning senior project? How can you adapt to make that portion work better for you? How might the senior team help?
    • The most difficult thing I have had to experience this year was balancing my priorities in terms of my social and academic life. I have had trouble in the past with choosing between what was most important but that seems more of a personal problem rather than one that can be fixed with the help of my senior teachers. I can only learn how to prioritize my senior project by doing in myself instead of having my parents or an overshadowing adult tell me what I should be doing. The only way I can fix this problem is by constantly evaluating my situations and the possible outcomes of my actions. I feel as if this senior project was designed to help the iPoly seniors grow up develop into adults that will have the ability to realize what they want in life. Overall I just need to learn to grow up, that's my biggest problem. 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Blog 5: Interview 1 Reflection

Here is a picture of my little sister who is barely starting pre school. My younger siblings had the advantage of having me as an older sister because I was able to teach them and help them develop into young ladies
Interview #1 Link
  1. What is the most important thing I've learned from this interview?
    • The most important thing I have learned from my interview was that education starts at the very beginning of a child's life though multiple ways of instruction. Although they may learn from the very beginning it does not mean that each child will learn from the same style of teaching or progress at the same rate as others. Some children may excel, and the other children may struggle a little more than usual, which is what makes learning such a strenuous task. Teaching is not a form of work where you can teach a lesson one the, each individual child learns through various ways so it is impossible to teach the same every time. 
  1. Did I get additional resources and contacts? What is the most useful? Why?
    • After the interview I asked my interviewee for some additional contacts of people that would be willing to give me an interview in different grade levels. The most useful contacts that I had gotten were members of the Rowland Unified School District, these were the most important to me because they have more experience and experience with multiple grade levels as well as an extensive educational background.
  2. What makes my interviewee qualified to help me?
    1. My interviewee was qualified to help me with my senior topic, High School Education, because the foundation of knowledge begins in pre school. Good education begins when the children are not in school but rather when they receive an education from pre-primary education, not primary education. Julie Stevens was a pre school teacher who has graduated from college and has experience in the field of child behavior science, this gives her substantial credibility in aid of my senior topic. 

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Blog 4 - House Advisory Prep 1

My senior topic is on high school education. For my project I have been focusing on the developmental process students experience as they learn, I have also been studying outside factors that may have an effect on the outcome of the students grades. In this area of study for my senior topic I hope to understand how the adolescent brain functions and operates while trying to absorb information. Not only is the motion of learning interesting to me but I would also like to become more aware of how patience plays a role in teaching. Because I have short tolerance for disruptions and people I don’t like, my goal is to learn how to be more patient with those who need more manners. In my short amount of mentorship I have observed that some students do not put much effort into their work which makes me sad because I feel like education is the best path to a successful future. School is so important to me and I want to show others how great learning can be if you are motivated and excited enough to put energy and effort into your own education. Through my senior topic I am also focusing on myself, I aspire to be more in touch with the way I feel about my future and the decisions that I am going to make. I hope to accomplish a better understanding of want I want for my future.I hope to succeed in all aspects of my senior topic in terms or receiving an AE on my presentation or the components of my senior project because I really don't want to become a loser. By the end of my senior year I would like to say that I accomplished all of my goals I had set at the end beginning of the year with the most amount of determination.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Blog 3 - First Interview Preparation

  1. Who do you plan to interview?  Why?
    1. I plan to interview my mom for my first interview. At the beginning of my senior project I had completed a small portion of my mentorship with her because she has a background in child education but I later on switched my topic and mentor. Although my senior topic is on high school education she still has an educational background and knowledge on what it is like to teach. I would have interviewed my current mentor but I am saving her for my second interview.
  2. What additional questions do you plan to ask?  Ask open-ended questions.  
    1. Has there ever been a time where you had thought that teaching was not the right career path for you?
    2. What advice would you give to students who aspire to become teachers?
    3. How and when did you decide to pursue teaching?
    4. What is the most rewarding part about becoming a teacher?
    5. What is the biggest lesson that your students have taught you?